The project Caesars is granted by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche for years 2016-2018. The acronym Caesars is related to Control and simulAtion of Electrical Systems, interAction and RobustnesS.
Abstract: In electrical system, strong evolutions are under way that will change deeply the organisation of the whole sector in the short and long term horizon: quick development of renewable technology, volatile and unpredictable production, costly investments in a difficult economic context, competing environment, emission market, new usages of electric vehicles... The simulation and analysis of the evolution of the electrical system is fundamental for better sustaining the energetic transition to a Clean Energy World but it is challenging because of various sources of uncertainties and their interdependence, the interaction between actors and between decisions. Our aim is to develop simplified mathematical models, based on stochastic controls and differential games models, together with the numerical method apparatus to address important problems related to optimal investment, renewable subvention policy, portfolio management, pricing policy of power companies, stress-testing, among others.
Contacts: Emmanuel Gobet, Anis Matoussi, Clémence Alasseur.